Thursday 23 April 2015

Let's Talk About my Dorkdom

I'm a huge dork for horses. I can't explain it, they're big and scary and dirty but-I'm a huge horse dork. This love, along with my dream of being ridiculously rich, has led me to watch Road To The Maclay (which originally aired on Animal Planet 8 or 9 years ago) upwards of five times. The whole series, over and over again. A little backstory: the Maclay is a big competition for junior riders-the best junior riders in the world. It's ridiculously difficult to make it there, but as Alicia Keyes once said "if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere!" Anyways....
As I watch the show, I know who won, and I've seen her ride. I guess this must be sensory perception, because I saw her win and heard the announcer say she won. I also know that the way they portray her-as someone who is down to Earth, and cares for her animals on her own. I know this isn't true-she would absolutely not have time to do that with her schedule. Logically, she must have a groom. Someone else who isn't familiar with horse shows wouldn't be able to deduce this. I also know that, based on the "authority" way of knowing, the girl who did not win and was portrayed as a longshot, never had a chance of winning. People that I respect have asserted that only the kids who ride under famous trainers with high-six-figures horses can win. Someone who hadn't heard this may have been more likely to cheer for her and believe in the underdog. Finally, I preferred one of the trainers to the other one because I know that some of the things that the trainer I do not prefer does, and I consider them ethically wrong. This is, I believe, emotional perception! Someone who does not feel the same way as I do or know the backstory I know may not have the same preference that I do.
Anyways, I think I have sufficiently combined my nerd-dom with TOK, and over analyzed something seemingly simple-one of the cornerstones of this course, I'm coming to learn.